Welcome to the Marketplaces community. Enjoy your day and connect to your fellow traders and the Marketplaces team for support and assistance.
On rare occasions markets can be cancelled due to excessive wind, gusts, extreme heat or rain. If so we will aim to update you about cancellation by midday the day before the event. You will be offered a transfer to another date where possible or a refund (minus admin costs).
Market trading times are 9 AM - 3 PM on Saturday and 8 AM - 3 PM on Wednesdays. There may be some amendments to trading times for special events. Set up is from 1.5 hrs before the start of trading. You must be ready to trade by no later than 8.45 for a 9 AM start or 7.45 for an 8 AM start. In the afternoon, please don’t begin packing away until the end of trading.
There is no onsite parking - there is however a car park across the road or free on street parking less than 5 minutes walk from the AMP. You can drive onto the AMP site to un/upload equipment and stock.
Pitch Set Up
You will be assigned a pitch number. Pitch positions are managed based on traders offerings and allocated on a first come first serve basis. We don’t offer reserved pitches.
Pitch set ups must be no larger than 3x3m. If you hire a gazebo with us the set up and take down is included in the fee. If you bring your own gazebo they must be adequately weighted down or you won’t be permitted to use it. Minimum 15KG per leg.
We expect all traders to keep a tidy and contained pitch.
Traders using the AMP electric must ensure they are using RCN (weatherproof) plugs.
Food, beverages & Alcohol.
Ingredient lists must be clearly displayed for multi ingredient items, including allergen Information. Clearly price all items and display weights for pre-weighed products.
If you’re serving hot food & drinks provide separate handwashing facilities for staff with disposable towels and hot water that can be refreshed.
Temperature Monitoring: Store food safely, monitor temperatures, and protect against contamination.
All traders using gas or electricity must ensure that all equipment used on AMP day has the relevant safety inspection documentation in place including PAT testing. Arrange annual gas safety inspections and use crimped gas connections. Deep fat fryers require prior approval and must be operated by trained personnel. Induction hobs are not allowed.
Clear up
Please do not commence packing away until the end of trading.
All rubbish must be taken with you and not deposited in local bins. If we find evidence of fly tipping from any vendor they will not be permitted to trade at our markets in future.
You can reach the Marketplaces team via phone or email.
We hope this answers all your questions. Please read the Trader Info page for more in depth information. If you need any further assistance or would like to give us any feedback please get in touch via email.